Ok, so this is not the blog that I intended to write when I began. Honestly when the idea of a blog came to mind, I’d pictured myself behind my laptop at one in the morning after a fascinating night of adventures that I would wrap up in universal and easy to swallow pieces a la Carrie Bradshaw. Unfortunately, it turns out that I’m not Carrie Bradshaw – and outside of the idealism of that show’s everything happens for a reason mantre, neither was she. No, when we step outside the imagery, and look at what thepopculturelife must now be, we have to take it with the grain of salt that I don’t actually have adventures.

First also, I would like to apologize to all of my reader (you know who you are) for the delay between this installment and my previous pieces. Inspiration, motivation, intellectual masturbation (which is pretty much what all blogs are, don’t even get me started on the cerebral orgy that is twitter), is hard to come by when life is genuinely boring. I was walking through the city just the other day noticing how very few people were running. Everyone was just waking from place to place. And it’s like really? No one was in a hurry to get to the next bit of their life?

I like to think I look at life differently to other people. When I look at a situation I like to romanticize it and endow it with imagery and music that it turns out isn’t really there. I have to think that while my outlook is at times extremely destitute because pretty much nothing can live up to how I imagine it to be. The alternative, the walking, the standing, the living without montage-tinted goggles must be extremely pointless. Seriously, what do people get up for in the morning if they don’t have a reason to run? I truly believe that running is the backbone of real-life magic. Running to the person you love, running to deliver life-changing news, running away from a chainsaw wielding maniac (don’t laugh, it’s real), and ultimately running to the next moment that life is capable of. I don’t really run, but I like to think that someday I’ll have a reason to. But atleast I have that goal, looking around at the masses, and taking a stab in the dark at how boring a lot of them must be, they don’t even know that this is what’s missing. We shouldn’t run everywhere, that would be silly, but if you really can’t see the magic or the music that can give the everyday moments that extra spark, you should be looking for every opportunity to run. Wave your arms, pull them tight but just give yourself a reason to get somewhere really really fast.